About the Course
These classes will teach you how to render in the fastest way (in seconds) using Sketchup + Enscape + Photoshop. These classes are only for professional architects in one studio (max 3 people)
If you want the exclusive private class, please contact us at academy@kunkun3d.com!
You will learn Exterior and Interior Rendering with our professional team just in one week!
Day 1
Photography Fundamental. Teman-teman akan belajar Ilmu photography dan teknik pengambilan kamera di enscape. Satu atau dua shoot yang powerfull lebih memberi impresi luar biasa dibanding banyak kamera tapi standard.
Basic Lighting. Untuk memahami pergerakan kamera , dibutuhkan pula komposisi cahaya alami yang pas. Komposisi lighting + Komposisi kamera yang pas akan menciptakan gambar yang powerfull.
Basic Interface Enscape. Di sini teman-teman bakal belajar Pemahaman dasar untuk mengoperasikan enscape secara step by step dan efisien
Day 2
Fundamental in Enscape. Kami akan sharing semua teknik dan tools untuk mengoperasikan enscape. Runtut dan sistematis
Complex Lighting. Pembuatan cahaya buatan, trick untuk pengolahan cahaya, trick pengolahan cahaya di siang dan malam. Layering & Management scene untuk mengolah lighting yang berbeda setiap scene.
Day 3
Material Setting. Kami akan share bagaimana membuat material realistic di enscape secara cepat dan mudah.
Landscape. Tips menanam pohon, semak, rumput, backplate, backdrop
3D Asset. Tips menaruh aset aset 3D seperti orang, furniture, hingga custom 3d asset.
Day 4 and 5
Real Project from Real Architect. Kami akan memberikan challenge kepada peserta untuk menciptakan gambar keren dari arsitek praktisi. Peserta akan melakukan render dari project real, dibimbing secara personal oleh pengajar profesional kami. Kami akan memastikan 100% peserta paham dan bisa menerapkan pengetahuan dasar ke dalam real case project.
Final Rendering & Postproduction. Finalisasi render dan teknik color grading, special effect, memasukkan 2d asset, hingga final touch. Kami memastikan setiap anak mampu menghasilkan gambar kualitas tertinggi
What you will get:
Exclusive Recording Video
4 Times live session + 2 times live private mentoring
Sketchup Case Study from Your Project
Discussion Group on Discord and WhatsApp
Academy Goodie Bag
One Week Intensive Mentoring via Discord Group
Experience to Interact with Professional Architect
Experience to Interact with Professional 3D Artist
Free Library
Case Study: Housing or Villa from each studio + Design from Real Architect

For More Info : +62 813-2482-4146 (Eka)
Your Instructor
Jihad Maulana

Jihad is Senior 3D Artist from Kunkun visual. He's doing a lot of project variation and multiple software experimentation makes his ability top-notch. He loves to teach everybody about his technical skill and knowledge.